Sunday, February 21, 2010

Devils by Dostoevsky

"(...)A leaf is good. Everything is good."


"Everything. Man is unhappy because he doesn't know he's happy; that's the only reason. That's all! He who knows becomes happy at once, that very moment..."

"But what about a person who's starving to death or who abuses and violates a little girl- is that good?"

"Yes it is. And if someone blows his brains out for that child, that's good, too; and if he doesn't blow his brains out, that's also good. If they knew it was good, it'd be good, but as long as they don't know it's good, it isn't good. That's my entire idea, that whole thing' there isn't anymore!"


"They're bad,' he began suddenly,'because they don't know they're good. When they find out, they won't rape little girls. They m,ust find otu taht they are good, and then they'll all become good at once, to the very last one."


"I pray to everything. Do you see that spider crawling along the wall? I look at it and feel grateful it's crawling."

"I bet that by the time I come again, you'll even be believing in God."


"If you found out you believed in God, then you'll believe; but since you don't believe in God, you still don't believe." Nikolai V said with a laugh.

"That's not right," Kirolov said, "you've twisted my idea. A worldly witticism."

This was very amusing. What faith in humanity Kirolov must've had! If we are so good, then why is it so hard for us to be so? Why is it easier to be bad?


S's character was interesting, he seemed to live on the intensity that evil brings and lavish on the corrupted feelings (as in disgrace), for instance him sleeping with women and having no problem admitting it. The ironic thing was, he was viewed as a gentleman, and even was, except that his mindset was of the vilest human...What a contrast! How looks and behaviors can deceive! How a gentleman could have a mind of a psychopath. Extremely interesting.

The character in his pure evil is extremely attractive, since he feels no remorse whatsoever- and that is very rare in a human because he ceases to be a human and turns into a beast. A beast inside a human...

There were a few scenes that were hilarious, which showed the true character of S. For instance, how he took this man by the nose- as if he just snapped and could not control himself. A gentleman's behavior can only last for so long when an animal is raging inside...