Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Too Clever by Half or the Diary of a Scoundrel by Alexander Ostrovsky

The play was very amusing. Ostrovsky combines the art of the theatre with his writing..he expresses sarcasm not only thorugh words but actions as well- which greatly adds to the overall effect. The end was quite something: the climax it reached was intense because Glumou's career was in jeopardy- and yet, he started going even deeper into the grave by accusing them all. And it worked! He knew exactly what kind of person each was; and counted on that fact. What superficial people, it's quite amazing. These wishy-washy characters we are all familiar with- and one may even say- he had great patience with them.


I was searching for blogs/videos related to Ostrovsky and I found this movie on this site:

(A Cruel Romance 1984)

I only got through part I...Honestly I couldn't finish it at all. The movie was too, the girl was insufferably naive and "airheaded". The way she smiled and oohhhd and ahhhd was too much to take. If I wanted to watch a stupid girl fall head over heels in love, I could pick any chick flick of today. But of course, that may always be in fashion. Also, I really had a problem with Sergey (as did my friend), because he was the same actor (only younger) from Burn by the Sun, and we didn't enjoy seeing him that first time either. I don't know, I just don't really like his face. And his voice was too low and was lacking enthusiasm.
I'm sure "A Dowerless Girl" by Ostrovsky would be much better. Add that to my to-read list.
But! I'm really happy I found! The collection of russian films is astounding!!