Friday, December 10, 2010

Burnt by the Sun

I found this wonderful movie on a blog by accident. I was in the process of searching for blogs with any Russian-related topics, and there it pops out. Since I was just happening to be chatting with a friend (in another state), she immediately sent me the youtube link: And so, instead of studying for our exams like good students would do, we proceeded (as unplanned as this was) to watch the entire movie. Procrastination works wonders. I really enjoyed this movie, except maybe the end. Of course, I don't want to give it away...

There were some hilarious scenes in it, especially with the (large) chested woman asking for the time. And of course let's not forget the spinster...she needs as much attention as she can get. So throughout the whole movie, I'm ashamed to admit (as vulgar as it may sound), my friend and I were basically screaming, "Why didn't they just get it over with and sleep together!? Because, we really condemned the age difference- compared to Dmitri's contrasting youth. We were going to be bitterly disappointed... But of course, it is supposed to depict reality, and most of the time, it does not consist of the ideal course of events. I loved hearing them speak Russian, and see their heritage portrayed through their actions.

It reminded me of a story written by Turgenev I believe. When the former lover comes back home after a long time, and sees how everything has changed... It must be horrible to see the world live on without you, as you are ripped away from anything familiar. And that familiarity will be forever buried in memories and never to live again.
I'm sorry for such a thought, but I guess the ending inspired it.