Friday, December 18, 2009

Fruitfulness by Emile Zola

"To love! to love! to be able to love! Therein lies all health, all will, and all power."

"And the divine dream, the generous utopian thought soars into the heavens; families blended into nations, nations blended into mankind, one sole brotherly people making of the world one soul city of peace and justice! Ah! may eternal fruitfulness ever expand, may the seed of humanity be carried over the frontiers, peopling the untilled deserts of afar, and increasing mankind through the coming centuries until dawns the reign of sovereign life, mistress at last both of time and space!"

Oh my! What faith in humanity! This is a utopian dream. Even if we all become one family, the strifes will not end. In the book, there was a quarrel, but stopped when the mother was suffering, and that is also not realistic. Humanity is united because we are humans, but that does not mean that we will get along. This is too optimistic. And since his time, we have populated the earth, and yet, population cause more problems. Life in honest sense; going back to the soil, is aslo not very raelistic, because man is attracted by materials, because he is vain. This only a small exception that wil be less likely to happen as technology develops. But it's a nice concept, of course. We must humble ourselves.


I think one of his serious books...not so scandalous.

Pub by Doubleday Page Co