Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Beatrix by Balzac

"He wanted to gaze into her eyes, plunge into their depths, study the smallest detail of her clothing, inhale its fragrance, listen to the music of her voice, follow the graceful flow of her movements...He had become prey to a desire that deafened his hearing, obscured his intelligence, weakened him to the point where he no longer recognized obstacles or distances and was no longer even aware of his own body."


This book greatly made me perceptive to the complexity of the woman. They can suffer so much and yet still do the impossible. The intelligent and wise ones notice everything, take it all in, and can determine the soul of a person. Such an insight is astounding. The woman can use her virtues or body to the extreme, the one to sacrifice herself, the other to make use of her advantages for her own gains. Such opposites, yet in the same sex! and reach can understand the other, and what the other is capable of. They live in another world altogether, while the man tries to reach for it, but can't ever get there...


Pub by Prentice-Hall