Thursday, November 11, 2010

The German Classics Vol III by Friedrich von Schiller

The Ideal and the Actual Life

"Cast from thee, Earth, the bitter and real,
High from this cramp'd and dungeon being, spring
Into the Realm of the Ideal!"

The Homage of the Arts

We hate the deceivers,
Despisers of heaven;
We seek among morals
Who to virtue are given.
Where pure hearts have welcome
To give to a friend,
We will build habitations
To dwell without end."

O'er realms of thought- the Word my winged tool."

I love the concept of the arts dwelling not only in an individual, but through humanity, and using the individual to continue their eternal existence. Reminds me of Thomas Mann's The Beloved Returns when Goethe says, "Say, if you will that I am the flame, and into me the poor moth flings itself. Yet in the chance and change of things I am the candle too, giving my body that the light may burn." (See Mann label). It is as if the human body is nothing but a dwelling place to use our imagination to exist. Surprisingly, this genius is dependent on humanity- for without an imagination- it cannot be appreciated.

Published by The German Publican Soc (1913)