Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Demon by Lermontov

"And long he gazed, with fascination
at the sweet view; as if in a dream
came as on summons from afar
and swam before him, star on star."

"Her dreams, his manner of appearing,
such flattery had not failed to reach
her heart; his sad gaze, the endearing,
the tender strangeness of his speech.
herself not knowing rhyme or reason,
she's pined and languished many days;
her heart may wish to pray in season
to holy saints, to him it prays;
worn out by struggle unabating,
if she lies down on slumber's bed,
her pillow burns, she's suffocating,
she starts up, shivering with dread;
her breast, her shoulders flame, she races
to breathe, she chokes, mist's in her eyes,
her arms are thirsting for embraces,
and on her lips a kiss that dies..."

my heaven, my hell are in your gaze.
I love you with no earthly passion,
such love that you could never find:
with rapture, in the towering fashion
of an immortal heart and mind."


I'm surprised Lermontov depicted this concept- for a devil be attracted to a maiden. This just seems too much of a taboo, especially at that time. I really liked how the demon was fascinated by her beauty. Why, I wonder, did she attract his attention? A mere human being? Personally, I think it was because of the "purity" she represent. Not only because she probably was a virgin, but because she had a pure MIND. Lermontov portrays this very well:

she's pined and languished many days;
her heart may wish to pray in season
to holy saints, to him it prays;

She is so affected! Her whole world is upside down! As much as she tried to keep her piety, she was deterred by him. And yet, she still tries, thinking it is her duty. Only a pure maiden would want to do good when she knows she is entering the realm of temptation. And what temptation? Those are nothing but dreams!

With what passion can a demon love?