Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jealousies of a Country Town by Balzac

"He was to pass through successive phases of emotion, hidden from ordinary eyes, to one of hose sudden resolves which bring the chapter to a close and set fools declaring that the man is mad."

"We cannot explain it; some strong-minded persons deny that it exists, but many a woman and many a man has felt that shock of sympathy. It is a flash, lightning up the darkness of the future, and at the same time a presentiment of the pure joy of love shared by two souls, and a certainty that the other too understands. It is more like the strong, sure touch of a master hand upon the clavier of the senses than anything else. Eyes are riveted by an irresistible fascination, hearts are troubled, the music of joy rings in the ears and thrills the soul,; a voice cries, 'It is he!'"

"If the daily round, the daily pacing of the same track in the footsteps of many yesterdays, is not exactly happiness, it is so much like it that others, driven by dint of storm- tossed days to reflect on the blessings of calm, will say that it is happiness indeed."

It is easy to please some.


I don't think I finished this one...

Pub by Gebbie Publishing Company