Thursday, January 7, 2010

Candle in the Wind by Solzhenitsyn

"...our entire human intellect down to the last fraction is devoted to the production of material goods!"

The definition of modern "progress"

SINBAR: Don't try to be obstinate! There is no absolute morality! Nor is there nay internal moral law! And even if one did exist, there would be no force which could make us pay attention to it!

ALEX: There is such a force!

SINBAR: Name it!

ALEX: Death!! The eternal mystery of death! The eternal barrier in our way- death! You can study cybernetics or the blue galaxies but all the same you can't overcome death!"

It's interesting what a huge part and "barrier" death is. It is the ultimate barrier to humanity- to our intellect, our technology, our achievements. It is always there to remind us what mere short-living creatures we are.


I do like Solzhenitsyn, I Have some respect for him when he said "Torf Produkt? Ah, Turgenev never knew what such an expression could include." Tight there he acknowledges the difference between modern and "classic" Russia or the world in general, and how those two worlds will never coincide.

The play Candle in the Wind was alright. It didn't include any traces of the "folk" that are to be found in the Russian classics. Might as well have been British. Maybe the translation?