Monday, November 23, 2009

Humiliated and Insulted by Dostoevsky

I must admit that the translation wasn't the best, it took me about a hundred pages to get used to the book; too modern. And the translator even said, that his translation could be compared to today's best sellers! What a shame, and even an insult. As if it could even compare to today's best sellers!

About the story: Very beautiful, although not quite as complex as his other works. I actually predicted the "riddle" so to speak, before the ending. Overall though, very beautiful. I could see where Dostoevsky's ideas came from, for his later books. Like the Adolescent, for isntance. It was about people who bury their real wishes, and react quite the opposite from what they really want; "out of spite". Which is also an idea from Notes form Underground. How they would suffer, just to "rub salt on the wounds" to make it worse. so that their suffering would increase. Like the father, Nelly, and sometimes Natasha. And even though Vanya was the one who was insulted themost, he still loved no matter what, even though it mean to be indifferent to his happiness. Beautiful message, although not so easily achieved in real life.