Thursday, October 12, 2017

Das Energie by Paul Williams

"Energy flows through all things;
it rests in none of them."

"What is right?
Right is what feels right.
Intuitive awareness.
You at this moment know exactly what's right
for you to do at this moment.
no one else knowsn/no facts are relevant.
Think of yourself as a piece of equipment, if you like.

You are a human body with a human mind superimposed.
Through the subconscious of that mind you are linked with,
are part of, have access to all human consciousness

 Through your subconscious.
You are a sensitive instrument
You are a physical, emotional, spiritual extension
Of the whole human race.
You are an individual. A particular extension.
An extremity. You are defined by your own conception of
Through your subconscious, you have access to All.
You are a sensitive instrument.
At any given moment you can feel what’s right and do it.
It (feeling requires no effort on your part.
It is what you wre designed to do.
It is you.
No one else is the same person, and nowhere else is this moment.
You are a piece of equipment.
Can you see a table, or hear a voice?
Then you can feel what’s right.
You are God."

"The past and future do not exist."

Truth is what sounds right.

"Each man creates himself.
Each one of us creates himself anew at each moment."

"It isn't what you know. Stop showing off.
Stop showing off. It isn't what you do.
It's what you are that matters."

"It does no good to try to impress a man
with some thoguht he can't relate to.
But if you can make him realize the obvious,
that might change his life."

"There is nothing so potent as an idea whose time has come."

"Man alone is asurd, a meaningless concept. LIFE IS DIVINE."

Published by Entwhistle Books, 1973