Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Suprematism in World Reconstruction by El Lissitzky 1920

El Lissitzky: The Constructor, 1924. A triple exposure self-portrait  

“at present we are living through an unusual period in time a new cosmic creation has become reality in the world a creativity within ourselves which pervades our consciousness.”

“[…] – a world which issues forth from our inner being and which is only now in the first stages of its formation, for this reason the square of suprematism become a beacon.”

“in this way the artist become the foundation on which progress in the reconstruction of life could advance beyond the frontiers of the all-seeing eye and the all-hearing ear, thus a picture was no longer an anecdote or a lyric poem nor a lecture on moralist nor a feast for the eye but a sign and symbol of this new conception of the world which comes from within us. Many revolutions were needed in order to free the artist from his obligations as a moralist as a story-teller or as a court jester, so that he could follow unhindered his creative bent and tread the road that leads to construction.”

“suprematism itself has followed the true path which defines the creative process consequently our picture has become a creative symbol and the realization of this will be our task in life.”

“we shall reshape it so thoroughly that the sun will no longer recognize its satellite.”

“we left to the old world the idea of the individual house individual barracks individual castle individual church, we have set ourselves the task of creating the town, the centre of collective effort is the radio transmitting mast which sends out bursts of creative energy into the world. by means of it we are able to throw off the shackles that bind us to the earth and rise above it, therein lies the answer to all questions concerning movement.” 

“the new element of treatment which we have brought to the fore in our painting will be applied to the whole of this still-to-be-built world and will transform the roughness of concrete the smoothness of metal and the reflection of glass into the outer membrane of the new life. the new light will give us new colour and the memory of the solar spectrum will be preserved only in old manuals on physics.” 

“this complicated structure taken as a whole represents a UNIFIED organism. It is not therefore for that very reason “artistic”?” 

“it is right that this perceptivity shall pass judgment on man’s concept of space on the way he reacts in time […]”

“seven years ago suprematism raised aloft its black square but no one sighted it for at that time a telescope for this new planet had not been invented. The might force of this movement however caused a succession of artist to focus on it and many more were influenced by it, yet neither the former nor the latter possessed sufficient inner substance to be held fat by its attractive power and to formulate a complete world system from the new movement.” 

“for the prayed point of the paintbrush is at variance with our concept of clarity expressing our creative ability paintbrush and ruler and compasses and machine are only extensions of the finger which points the way.”

“This path into the future has nothing in common either with mathematics and scientific studies or with raptures over sunset and moonlight- or indeed with the decline of the subject with its plague-ridden aura of individualism- rather is it the path leading from creative intuition to the increased growth of foodstuffs for which neither paintbrush nor ruler neither compasses nor machine were required.”

“the artist’s work lies beyond the boundaries of the useful and the useless. It is the revolutionary path along which the whole of creation is striding forward and along which man must also bend his steps. ‘artistic work’ is but an obstacle on this path and in consequence a counter-revolutionary concept, the private property aspect of creativity must be destroyed all are creators and there is no reason of any sort of this division into artists and nonartists." 

“by this reckoning the artist ceases to be a man who is not producing useful things and must not strive to attain his title to creative activity by painting posters in the prescribed form and colour on which any attempt to pass judgment shows a GROSS LACK OF FEELING, such work now belongs to the duty of the artist as a citizen of the community, who is clearing the field of his old rubbish in preparation for the new life.”


“it is only the creative movement towards the liberation of man that makes him the being who holds the whole world within himself. Only a creative work which fills the whole world with its energy can join us together by means of its energy components to form a collective unity like a circuit of electric current.”


“and if communism which set human labour on the throne and suprematism which raises aloft the square pennant of creativity now march forward together then in the further stages of development it is communism which will have to remain behind because suprematism- which embraces the totality of life’s phenomena- will attract everyone away from the domination of work and from the domination fo the indoxicated senses. It will liberate all those engaged in creative activity and make the world ainto a true model of perfection. This is the model we await from kasimir malevich.



Publishing Information: 
Russian Art of the Avant Garde Theory and Criticism Revised and Enlarged Edition edited by John E. Bowlt