Monday, September 29, 2014

Possible Explanation on The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge

Found this on youtube- such a privilege to hear a lecture without going to class- which was the part I hated most:


The person which changes history is rarely ever prepared for it- it just happens.
Experience- meditation and learning something from them not simply things happening to you.
Not only let time pass but give time to things around you and CARE about them.
Aha so he's jumping around in time! Now the existence of those weird passages make sense.
"The world is mysterious but the world offers us a kind of intimacy that does correspond ultimately to some of our deepest desires."-it's all real.
Can we share being with someone else? It's funny I asked myself the same question and personally I think it will always be limited- what we are able to share.
Objects can become personal and can take on emotions.

The passage about the girls going to the city is very interesting- he's actually talking about the role of women throughout the centuries- and how they've always had to do all the work "both sides of the dialogue" (in a relationship). Not within society specifically but within a relationship- within love.
Love shows us reality.
The Prodigal Son was lacking reality- the love was not real for him.
Love imposes demands on the ones whom you love.
It opens us up to a life in which not all of our questions can be answered but at least can be asked.

Interesting lecture- I liked his analysis on women- which I didn't pick up on while reading the book- like many other things. Still don't understand his analysis of his family and the vanishing house. A little bit more clear on what the book is about- basically how to love. And I guess the prodigal son connects with his learning how to love. He was angry that no one understood who he REALLY was- they just loved him blindly. This can easily happen in a relationship- when we love our partner based on an ideal and not the real person within them, and actually not even having an interest- for we love our ideal more. And then he realized that this selfless love is enough to understand him- for love doesn't need to be concrete- it encompasses all. From what I understand- which doesn't mean much- is that love doesn't need to be concrete, because it engulfs every detail of our soul, no matter WHICH detail it is. If that makes any sense. For example- I don't know EXACTLY what I love about you, which detail in your soul and where it is located- such as CONCRETELY what you are feeling- but I love it all anyway, even though I can't put my finger on it exactly. If that makes ANY sense.
I don't know I was struggling with this question as well- and I guess it DOESN'T matter if the person knows exactly the world within me, because their love can reach every part of my soul without them knowing the direction.
 That doesn't make sense does it? I don't know. All I know is that it encompasses the REAL without even our knowledge or know-how. In short: it does it's own thing and it is beyond us.