Sunday, August 3, 2014


"I'm a coward, of course. I can never simply boot my lovers down the stairs." 

"You promised to love me." 
"I didn't promise to succeed." 

"Leave her alone! She's going off to write about us. It's time for her nightly regurgitation. 20 pages. The only reason she needs you or me or anybody is to provide characters for her ghastly novels!" 

"Darling, I want to be on your conscience. You destroyed my youth. You buried my springtime in shadows." 

"The horse is a critic!" 

"Someone's got to show you how to breathe!"


I don't agree with the criticism against her novels, that they are worthless because she just did it for money. I first read her novels without knowing anything about her life- and they truly touched me. The heroins in her novels are cold, and yet they have something deep and good inside. They do not have any more energy to live life and to enjoy it, and yet they want to. 

I view her as an inspiration. As a liberated woman, and above all as a crazy writer.