Friday, June 13, 2014

The Wall by Sartre

"I didn't want that. I didn't want to die like an animal, I wanted to understand."

"[...] several hours or several years of waiting is all the same when you have lost the illusion of being eternal." 

"[...] his life had no more value than mine; no life ahd value. They were going to slap a man up against a wall and shoot at him till he died, whether it was I or Gris or somebody else made no difference."

The inevitable sense of death made him look at life in a clear way and not take things so seriously.


I very much enjoyed the ending and the way it played out. He was more alive when he thought he was going to die than he ever was. And once you understand this, everything else seems so ridiculous because you understand that everyone is just masquerading pretending to BE something while they will just die. It's not a pessimistic attitude I think, it's just real. For instance: "I thought it was funny that he would let the hairs of his living being invade his face." Sometimes I have such thoughts, that we are just ridiculous beings putting fabric on our bodies, walking around thinking we are something... but in the end we are all confused and are just carousing while the entire time death is staring at us, probably laughing.When one REALLY understands that he is going to DIE and EXPIRE, then he can truly see reality for what it is. And everything won't seem important anymore for in fact he is just a walking ghost, for he has already died within himself. And then, and then he is untouchable.