Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Dreams of a Ridiculous Man by Dostoevsky

"I may almost say that the world now seemed created for me a lone: if I shot myself the world would cease to be at least for me. I say nothing of its being likely that nothing will exist for any one when I am gone, and that as soon as my consciousness is extinguished the whole world will vanish too and become void like a phantom, as a mere appurtenance of my consciousness, for possibly all this world and all these people are only me myself."

Who hasn't had thoughts like these. Maybe everything we have created, maybe it is all a dream. If that is true, then we are damn good creators. (Excuse the expression)

"Dreams seem to be spurred on not by reason or desire, not by the head but by the heart"

"A dream! What is a dream? And is not our life a dream?"

"The main thing is to love others as oneself, that's the main thing, and that's everything; nothing else is needed-"


I loved the beautiful metaphor/allegory of the world he had found. My goodness it is just so easy to give in to all of these horrible things- and yet how naively and innocently we do it! "and they proclaimed that suffering was a beauty, for in suffering alone was there meaning." They became romantics after killing each other off and taking part in the evil nature of man! A little ironic, but so terribly true. And it is worst of all when raw cruelty comes out of the most innocent of men. - And so to love one another is the ultimate secret! To be what the people of his dream used to be; children!