Saturday, October 31, 2009

Netochka Nezvanova by Dostoevsky

"My soul failed to recognize yours although it found a new light beside its beautiful sister soul."

"My whole soul is full of you."

"Teach me how to wrench my life in two, how to tear my heart out of my breast, how to live without it."


I cannot believe this was Dostoevsky's first attempt at writing a novel. Such complexity! My goodness, and how many topics it covers! This concept, how the little girl idolized her father- even began believing his ridiculous dreams- living in a fantasy. This touches the importance of the relationship between a father and daughter- and what a tremendous effect it can have on a young girl's thought process.

And again,as in the future novels as well, Dostoevsky's "specialty", in my opinion, is seen in this novel; the delusion of man. How Netochka's (the little girl) father disillusioned himself so efficiently, that at one point in the story, he actually made himself believe that when the mother died, he would have the chance to success. And he made the little girl believe it also. This sort of fantasy is beautifully described by this Genius, who sympathizes with the insanity in man and even tries to justify them through their own's incredible. And one of the main points of this story, is that this sort of fantasy can easily affect the innocent in heart, for in reality, they were both very naive and innocent in essence, to push out reality and create their own chaste world...

And also, how interestingly he added another problem- Alexandra, such a great example of a lot of women of that time, and throughout history in general, who forsake their own happiness that bloomed out of love,to duty. It is as if their soul is ripped away with them, for it is an unjust and almost inhuman expectation. And yet, it was very much expected. Of course, the level of love we are talking about here is very dependent on pleasure- in most cases. Sometimes, it can be the mere friendship that brings much happiness to the young maiden who is condemned to a despicable marriage.